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How do i win my virgo boyfriend back?!?

I am an agressive Aries with Venus in Aries and my boyfriend is a Virgo with Venus in Virgo… What’s the best way to get back with him or at least remain best friends??

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12 Responses to “How do i win my virgo boyfriend back?!?”

  1. angrymember said :

    Tell him you’re really into astrology. That always works.

  2. Intuition said :

    Tell him you’re bi-polar that’ll get him excited

  3. Latoya J said :

    Virgo’s are freaks so do sexy things that will make him charge your way.

  4. ettusparky said :

    I used to live with a similarly signed couple. Usually ended with her letting him feel superior even when he was wrong. Virgos tend to be petulant creatures.

    Ditch him and get yourself a Leo or an Aquarian.

  5. Greg said :

    Who dumped who? Why do they always leave that out?

    If he dumped you, then have some self-respect and move on.

    If you dumped him, leave the poor guy alone. You’ve done enough already.

  6. Silver_Stars said :


    He gives an impression of being in firm control of his emotions but this is often a disguise. The Virgo man is sensitive, receptive, sensuous, and cautious all at the same time. He will never sweep you into the bedroom and take you by force. For one thing, he has too much respect for a woman. Because he does not find it easy to express his own deep feelings, he is often drawn to women who are effusive and vivacious. Yet he has a horror of getting embroiled in tempestuous scenes and angry tantrums. Emotionality upsets him, but because he is both attracted to and disturbed by it, his love life never runs as smoothly as he’d like. This man’s love nature can be described as private. At times there is even a surface quality of untouchableness about him, but this is an expression of his self-containment. He has a keen sense of the dividing line between your psyche and his.

    The woman a Virgo man ultimately chooses has to measure up to very high standards. What he particularly doesn’t like in a woman is any suggestion of coarseness, cheapness, or loose and careless conduct. Fastidious is a good word for what he does like. While he doesn’t find it easy to express himself directly about his emotional needs, he has a way of making his dissatisfactions known. He can be demanding. He can find fault. The woman who finds this annoying has one important consolation: His demands and his fault-finding are proof he cares about her. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bother.

    To some women he may seem lacking in romance, at least in the cinematic tradition of moonlight, roses, and masked men riding into a cobbled courtyard. A woman will never look down from her balcony to find him strumming his guitar and singing romantic ballads. But in the cold light of dawn, in the real world we all inhabit, Virgo men have a lot more to offer than masked riders or lovesick troubadours. For one, a Virgo lover will still be there with the dawn’s early light. He won’t be riding off to sing ballads to someone else. Virgo dreams about changing his image. He would like to be a love-’em-and-leave-’em type, a Don Juan, a bon vivant. The woman who taps this secret Virgoan fantasy will reap the surprisingly rich and memorable rewards of his pent-up sensuality. It’s all there under the surface, and it’s the kind of sensuality that improves with time. As a lover, he is simple, direct, and for real.

    If you are looking for quality, not glitter, Virgo is your man.

    The rule to bear in mind is: Don’t overpower. Underplay.

    Always try to be a good sport. If that drink you’re invited for turns out to be at a health store and consists of carrot and cucumber juice, smile and gulp it. Virgos are finicky eaters and careful about their health. With them, the laws of nutrition rate just behind the Ten Commandments. In addition tot he old standby of discussing work connected topics, another good conversational subject is pets. Virgos like the smaller variety, especially the exotic kind.

    Quickly establish your cultural credentials. Virgos are drawn to people whose intelligence or learning is superior to their own. Don’t probe too closely into their personal affairs. They guard their private life. Avoid noisy places or entertainment that is vulgar or offensive. Virgos pride themselves on their good taste.

    Don’t let Virgo’s worrying upset you. People born under this sign are natural worriers. Will they be on time for the show? Will they catch the plane? Will it rain or snow? Will the mail arrive? the list of their worries is endless. It’s no use pointing out that most of the things they worry about never actually happen. They’ll go right on worrying anyway; it’s their way of coping with what might go wrong.

    Both male and female Virgos appreciate gifts that are useful and practical. They are also great hobbyists and are sure to have at least one special interest. Very few special occasions with Virgo will occur on the spur of the moment—at least not if Virgo can help it. There will be careful planning; all the moves will be figured out in advance. Virgo is marvelous at working behind the scenes to accomplish this. All you have to do is relax and enjoy it.

    Virgo can be intrigued by Aries’s audaciousness, but Virgo’s prudent ways soon clash with Aries’s colorful personality. They have difficulty communicating, because Virgo wants to talk and Aries wants to act. Their arguments will probably be more passionate than their lovemaking. Aries will think Virgo is inhibited; Virgo will consider Aries impulsive and wild. Aries likes a flamboyant social life. Virgo is happy with quiet, intellectual friends. Aries is also the type to bring out Virgo’s worst habits of nitpicking and nagging. Exit romance.

    Aries’s boldness should intrigue shy, reserved Virgo for a time. But they have totally different ideas about what should happen in the bedroom—and elsewhere. Aries’s passions are impulsive and direct. Virgo’s sexuality is more enigmatic and takes time to be revealed. In other areas ARies is full of exciting new plans and ideas, and insists on being boss. Virgo is critical and fussy, and likes things to be done the way Virgo wants. Virgo disapproves of Aries’ extravagance; Aries thinks Virgo cold and carping. They end up making war, not love.

  7. Denise J said :

    Tell him you need something from him and get him to do it for you… Virgos luv to be of service… lol

  8. selma b said :

    Let me just say that you lost a really good guy
    and your smart for wanting him back

    If you cheated on him you can just move on he will not accept that ,,if it was a minor thing it may take time for him to cool off they can be very stubborn ,if you really want him back leave him alone for awhile let him be for a week or two
    he may come back to you!!!

    Send him a nice poem or card just to let him know
    your thinking of him !

    lol denise is right you may want to try that too!!!

  9. goldstar_holder said :

    I myself am a virgo…virgo is a land horoscope…Aries,is a sky horoscope…Both are hot-headed…Maybe you can try to compromise his/her demand.

  10. willa_lilly said :

    Once a Virgo is hurt, it is really really hard to win them back. I dont’ know what happened, but if you hurt him, it’s best to suck up as much as possible. Do unexpected nice helpful things for him and let him know that you truly are sorry. It may take awhile, especially if he lost trust in you. Virgos value trust more than anything, so if you really want him back be prepared to answer every question he ask your truthfully. Good Luck…but really, an aries and a virgo isn’t the best match. You need someone you can dominate, and a Virgo doesn’t like to be dominated, they like the control.

  11. Nudimmud said :

    I need to know too,How to win My Virgo Girl back! lol

    It depends on your sign, They are from the intellectual group so if you don’t think mathematically about life he’ll never come back. Life is an equation to these types. Libra,Leo,Virgo,Scorpio. They need everything to fit into their view of how it should be.

    You are from the emotional group who live in the moment.

    Good luck.

  12. Nadja said :

    Do you really want him back? May not after reading this:

    The Virgo male can be a bit of mystery and a confounding character at times. An enigma so to speak. To the Virgo male, the world is an imperfect place, fraught with conflicts, crisis, and potential pitfalls of which he will always be on the lookout for.

    He is a perfectionist by nature. He prefers each and every situation in life to be no less than “ideal.” Having such a view of the world is what helps to perpetuate the male Virgo’s ever present sense of disillusionment with life.

    After all, we all know what happens when you only expect the absolute best all the time – you end up disappointed and feeling let down. Frustrated, angry, and feeling used.

    The Virgo male masks his profound sensitivity and long list of emotional wounds with a barrier of cynicism. He projects a sense of being somewhat “unavailable,” and at times can put people off. Virgo’s are more likely to make a less-than-friendly first impression, more so than any other sign of the zodiac, and many that are more Virgoan by nature maintain a cool facade throughout life.

    A master of disguises, a chameleon if you will, he may wear many different “hats” in life. He may put on different faces for different people, depending where he is and what group he’s currently with. The Virgo male does not like for “his worlds to collide.” In other words, he’ll act a certain way at work, or with friends, and then he’ll act completely different at home. He cannot mix these two worlds completely, for fear that one group may realize that he isn’t all that he’s previously presented himself to be.

    The Virgo male is an enigma of sorts. Secrets, mystery, and a cloak of darkness may seem as if they surround him at all times – melancholy. It may be hard to get through to a Virgoan male in order to truly understand him, and his preconceived notions of the world, as a world full of crisis and failures.

    Mercury is his ruling planet. This aura of uncertainty and disenfranchisement that surrounds the sign’s planetary ruler is analogous to the Virgo males psychology. The Virgo male can simply go MIA when dealing with others – both physically and emotionally – making himself completely unavailable.

    Conflict is a dirty word to the Virgo male and it will be avoided at all costs.

    Virgo is a mutable (changeable) earth (stable) sign. His sign quadrant is The Second Quadrant, which is that of the emotional environment. One where a persons feelings about the world are of prime concern. His number is 6, which is seen as the devil’s number or, in contrast, the number of God’s creation, as it took 6 days to create the earth, resting on the 7th.

    This association is also fitting of the male Virgo’s trouble with finding balance or happiness in life. He feels forever “caught in the middle” and Sextrology likens him to the Charlie Browns of the world.

    The Virgo’s associated age range is that of 35-42, a time when a man’s so called “glory days” are gone. As a result, he may suffer from many irrational fears such as disenfranchisement, phobias, hypochondria, and secret self-loathing.

    As a result, the Virgo male may feel as if life is just one big, long, mid-life crisis.

    Always seeking perfection, our Virgo males can be critical, judgemental, harsh, obsessive compulsive behavior and hypochondria – along with a myriad of other ailments that they’ll convince themselves their forever suffering from.

    Sextrology considers the Virgo male “The Vehicle.” He is here to serve and generate forward movement. A rather unfortunate side effect to his service orientation is that male Virgo’s tend to be used, more so than any other sign in the zodiac, as a stepping stone of sorts by women. As someone whom they can propel themselves from.

    Fittingly because of this, Virgo can fall prey to a number of doubts, insecurities and fears instilled in him from an early age. He feels socially “cast out” and many Virgo males are born during a period of strife between the parental figures during a marriage. Thus, the ever-present Virgoan balancing act in life, again – caught in the middle – and unhappy with his place and achievements in life.

    In relationships, the Virgo male likes wholesomeness in his partner. He doesn’t wish for her to have a long line of lovers in her past, as he secretly considers himself less sexually knowledgeable than most of his partners.

    Don’t get me wrong, Virgo’s do enjoy sex, however, they feel they may lack the sexual passions and knowledge that are learned through more serious, long term commitments. In light of that fact, however, it is because of his ever present feelings of lacking a true sexual education, that he brushes up on sexuality and things that make a woman “tick.”

    And, again, being a service oriented sign, the Virgo male aims to please and will go to great lengths to do so. He seems to have an undeniable sense of a woman’s inner workings.

    One particular side note regarding this: a Virgo male that tends to dwell too much on perfecting the act, performing it perfectly, may render himself useless in doing so. If a Virgo male tends to get “too in his head” regarding his performance and perfecting it, he may fall short and be unable to complete the act. . . . . .

    Read the rest in the link below:


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